Module lib

Main methods directly available in your addon


    -- Create a new addon this way:
    local me,ns=... -- Wow engine passes you your addon name and a private table to use
    -- Since now, all LibInit methods are available on self


  • Release: 64
  • Author: Alar of Runetotem


mixins Mixins list
options Runtime storage for information on LibInit managed addons.
pool Recycling system pool.
toggles Runtime storage for variables.

Table Recycling System

DelTable (tbl[, recursive=true]) Returns a table to the recycle pool Table will be wiped Only manages tables allocated via NewTable Other tables are left intact -- Preferred usage is assigning to a local via wrap function
NewTable ([tbl=nil]) Get a new table from the recycle pool Preferred usage is assigning to a local via wrap function

Addon management

NewAddon ([target], name[, options[, full[, ...]]]) Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.


GetCurrencyInfo (id) Compatibility: Emulates renamed and modified GetCurrencyInfo
GetMissionInfo (id) Compatibility: Emulates removed C_Garrison.GetMissionInfo
Wrap (name) Returns a closure to call a method as simple local function


Colorize (stringa, colore) Colors a string.
GetBagSlotCount () Returns number of free bag slots and total bagt slots.
GetChatFrame ([chat=DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME]) Return a named chatframe.
GetItemID (itemlink) Parses an itemlink and returns itemId without calling API again
GetTotalBagSlots () Return the total numner of bag slots
Health (unit) Returns unit's health as a normalized percent value
Is (class, target) Check if the unit in target hast the requested class
NumericVersion () Returns a numeric representation of version.
OnLeaveCombat (action[, ...]) Executes an action as soon as combat restrictions lift.
Parse (msg, n) Parses a command from chat or from an table options handjer command Internally calls AceConsole-3.0:GetArgs
ScanBags ([index=0[, value=0[, startbag=0[, startslot=1]]]]) Scans Bags for an item based on different criteria

All parameters are optional.

Configuration panel

AddToggle (flag, defaultvalue, name[, description=name[, icon]]) Create a boolean configuration var
Trigger (flag) Simulates a configuration variable change.


Empty (obj) Implements PHP empty function.
GetColorTable () Returns a crayon like object
GetFactory () Returns a factory for lightweight widgets
GetKpairs () Returns kpairs implementation Deprecated in favour of Wrap("Kpairs")
LoadHelp () Called to fill the help system
OnDisabled () Called from the OnDisable ACE event
OnEmbedDisable () Called when the wmbedding addon is disabled
OnEmbedEnable (first) Called When the embedding addon is enabled
OnEnabled ([first]) Called from the OnEnable ACE event
OnInitialized () Called after VARIABLES_LOADED event, by OnInitialize Ace Hook
Popup (msg[, timeout=60[, OnAccept[, OnCancel[, data[, StopCasting]]]]]) Show a popup Display a popup message with Accept and optionally Cancel button
SetDbDefaults (tbl) Called with the db default table as argument
SetOptionsTable (tbl) Called with the current option table


NewDelayableTimer (callback) Delayable timers Create a timer that can be delayed.
coroutineExecute (interval, action[, combatSafe[, more]]) Generates and executes a coroutine with configurable interval and combat status If called for already running coroutine changes the interval and the combat status
coroutineOnEnd (signature, action[, ...]) Executes an action as soon as a coroutine exit Action can be executed immediately if coroutine is already dead

Automatic events

StartAutomaticEvents () Starts all automatic events.
StopAutomaticEvents ([ignore]) Stops all automatic events.


Mixins list
Runtime storage for information on LibInit managed addons.
Recycling system pool.
Runtime storage for variables.

Table Recycling System

A set of functions to allow for table reusing


-- You better upvalue these functions
local addon=LibStub("LibInit"):NewAddon("myaddon")
local new=addon:Wrap("NewTable")
local new=addon:Wrap("DelTable")
DelTable (tbl[, recursive=true])
Returns a table to the recycle pool Table will be wiped Only manages tables allocated via NewTable Other tables are left intact -- Preferred usage is assigning to a local via wrap function


  • tbl table table to be recycled
  • recursive boolean If true, embedded tables added via new table will be wiped and recycled (default true)
NewTable ([tbl=nil])
Get a new table from the recycle pool Preferred usage is assigning to a local via wrap function


  • tbl table Optional table which will be added to the pool after use. Must NOT have a metatable (default nil)


    table A new table or a recycled one. Table is wiped


    -- Assuming you upvalued it as new
    local t=new()
    -- do something
    del(t,true) -- will recycle both t and t.check

Addon management

NewAddon ([target], name[, options[, full[, ...]]])
Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.

Any library you specified will be embeded, and the addon will be scheduled for its OnInitializee and OnEnabled callbacks.

The final addon object, with all libraries embeded, will be returned.

Options table format:

* profile: choose the initial profile (if omittete, uses a per character one) * noswitch: disables Ace profile managemente, user will not be able to change it * nogui: do not generate a gui for configuration * nohelp: do not generate help (actually, help generation is not yet implemented) * enhancedProfile: adds "Switch all profiles to default" and "Remove unused profiles" do Ace profile gui


  • target table to use as a base for the addon (optional) (optional)
  • name string Name of the addon object to create
  • options table options list (optional)
  • full bool If true, all available and embeddable Ace3 library are embedded (optional)
  • ... string List of libraries to embed into the addon (optional)


    table new addon


    --Create a simple addon object
    MyAddon = LibStub("LibInit"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
    -- Create a Addon object based on the table of a frame
    local MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
    MyAddon = LibStub("LibInit"):NewAddon(MyFrame, "MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
    -- Create an Addon based on the private table provided by Blizzard Code:
    local myname,addon = ...


GetCurrencyInfo (id)
Compatibility: Emulates renamed and modified GetCurrencyInfo


  • id integer Currency identifier


    list name,quantity,iconFiledID,quantityEarnedThisWeek,maxWeeklyQuantiti,maxQuantity,discovered,quality
GetMissionInfo (id)
Compatibility: Emulates removed C_Garrison.GetMissionInfo


  • id integer Mission ID


    list location,xp,environment,environmentDesc,environmentTexture,locTextureKit,isExhausting,enemies
Wrap (name)
Returns a closure to call a method as simple local function



    func Wrapper


    local print=self:Wrap("print") ; print("Hello") same as self:print("Hello")


General utilities
Colorize (stringa, colore)
Colors a string.


  • stringa string A string
  • colore string Name of a color (red, rare, alliance and so on). If not existent uses yellow


    string Colored string
GetBagSlotCount ()
Returns number of free bag slots and total bagt slots.


  1. number Free bag slots
  2. number Total bag slots
GetChatFrame ([chat=DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME])
Return a named chatframe. Returns nil if chat does not exist


  • chat string Chat name (default DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME)


    frame or nil requested chat frame, can be nil if "chat" does not exist
GetItemID (itemlink)
Parses an itemlink and returns itemId without calling API again


  • itemlink string A standard wow itemlink


    number itemId or 0
GetTotalBagSlots ()
Return the total numner of bag slots


    number Total bag slots
Health (unit)
Returns unit's health as a normalized percent value


  • unit string A standard unit name


    number health as percent value
Is (class, target)
Check if the unit in target hast the requested class


  • class string Requested Class
  • target string Requested Unit (default 'player')


    boolean true if target has the requeste class
NumericVersion ()
Returns a numeric representation of version. Can be overridden In default incarnation assumes that version is in the form x,y,z


OnLeaveCombat (action[, ...])
Executes an action as soon as combat restrictions lift. Action can be executed immediately if toon is out of combat


  • action string or func To be executed, Can be a function or a method name
  • ... mixed More parameters will be directly passed to action (optional)
Parse (msg, n)
Parses a command from chat or from an table options handjer command Internally calls AceConsole-3.0:GetArgs


  • msg string or table Can be a string (when called from chat command) or a table (wbe called by Ace3 Options Table Handler)
  • n number index in command list


    command,subcommand,arg,full string after command
ScanBags ([index=0[, value=0[, startbag=0[, startslot=1]]]])
Scans Bags for an item based on different criteria

All parameters are optional.

With no parameters ScanBags returns the first empty slot

Passing starbag and scanslot allows to continue scanning after the first finding


  • index number index in GetItemInfo result. 0 is a special case to match just itemid (default 0)
  • value number value against to match. 0 is a special case for empty slot (default 0)
  • startbag number Initialbag to start scan from (default 0)
  • startslot number Initial slot to start scan from (default 1)


  1. number ItemId
  2. number bag
  3. number slot
  4. list all return value from GetItemInfo called on _Itemid_


    bool false If nothing found

Configuration panel

These functions allow to build a ACE option table which will be fed to AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions
AddToggle (flag, defaultvalue, name[, description=name[, icon]])
Create a boolean configuration var


  • flag string variable name
  • defaultvalue any
  • name string public name (appears in gui)
  • description string long description (appears in tooltip) (default name)
  • icon string icon reference (optional)


    table A reference to the newly create item inside Ace OptionTable
Trigger (flag)
Simulates a configuration variable change.

Generates Apply* events if needed



Stub function you can (and should) overrid in your addon
Empty (obj)
Implements PHP empty function.


  • obj any variable to be tested


GetColorTable ()
Returns a crayon like object


    local C=LibStub("LibInit"):GetColorTable()
    C.Azure.c --returns a string "rrggbb"
    C.Azure.r --returns red value as a number
    C.Azure.g --returns green value as a number
    C.Azure.b --returns blue value as a number
    tostring(C.Azure) -- returns a string "rrggbb"
    "aa" .. C.Azure -- returns "aarrggbb"
    C.Azure() -- returns r,g,b as float list
    C.Azure.r -- returns r as float
    C("testo","azure") -- returns "|cff" .. >color code for azure> .. "test" .. "|r"
    -- For a list of available color check Colors
    -- Each color became the name of a meth
GetFactory ()
Returns a factory for lightweight widgets

See also:

GetKpairs ()
Returns kpairs implementation Deprecated in favour of Wrap("Kpairs")
LoadHelp ()
Called to fill the help system
OnDisabled ()
Called from the OnDisable ACE event
OnEmbedDisable ()
Called when the wmbedding addon is disabled
OnEmbedEnable (first)
Called When the embedding addon is enabled


  • first
OnEnabled ([first])
Called from the OnEnable ACE event


  • first bool True on the first activation (optional)
OnInitialized ()
Called after VARIABLES_LOADED event, by OnInitialize Ace Hook
Popup (msg[, timeout=60[, OnAccept[, OnCancel[, data[, StopCasting]]]]])
Show a popup Display a popup message with Accept and optionally Cancel button


  • msg string Message to be shown
  • timeout number In seconds, if omitted assumes 60 (default 60)
  • OnAccept func Executed when clicked on Accept (optional)
  • OnCancel func Executed when clicked on Cancel (if nil, Cancel button is not shown) (optional)
  • data mixed Passed to the callback function (optional)
  • StopCasting bool If true, when the popup appear will stop any running casting. Useful to ask confirmation before performing a programmatic initiated spellcasting (optional)
SetDbDefaults (tbl)
Called with the db default table as argument You can customize defaults here


  • tbl table ACE DB default table
SetOptionsTable (tbl)
Called with the current option table You can change the default options table here


  • tbl table ACE Options Table


Methods to manage coroutines
NewDelayableTimer (callback)
Delayable timers Create a timer that can be delayed. Useful for example for throttling sliders' events This function just create the timer, to start (or delay) it use the :Start(seconds) method


  • callback function Function to be called at expire time


coroutineExecute (interval, action[, combatSafe[, more]])
Generates and executes a coroutine with configurable interval and combat status If called for already running coroutine changes the interval and the combat status


  • interval number between steps
  • action string or function To be executed, Can be a function or a method name
  • combatSafe bool keep running in combat (optional)
  • more mixed parameter are passed to function (optional)


    string coroutine handle
coroutineOnEnd (signature, action[, ...])
Executes an action as soon as a coroutine exit Action can be executed immediately if coroutine is already dead


  • signature string Coroutine indentifier as returined by coroutineExecute
  • action string or function To be executed, Can be a function or a method name
  • ... mixed More parameters will be directly passed to action (optional)

Automatic events

You can have automatic events creating methods with the name EvtEVENTNAME For example in order to manage the event ADDON\_LOADED you can just define a EvtADDON\_LOADED method


function addon:EvtADDON_LOADED(event,addonname)
function addon:OnEnabled()
function addon:OnDisabled()
StartAutomaticEvents ()
Starts all automatic events. Automatic events are the one for which exists and EvtEVENTNAME method
StopAutomaticEvents ([ignore])
Stops all automatic events. Automatic events are the one for which exists and EvtEVENTNAME method


  • ignore string Name of an event method not to be stopped (optional)


    -- Will stop all events but ADDON_LOADED
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-01-19 12:33:13