Class factory
Class used to build lightweight widgets for configuration options.
You can obtain it calling GetFactory() method.
All widgets communicate with your code via the OnChange Callback and expose a SetOnChange method to set it
local addon=LibStub("LibInit"):newAddon("example") local factory=addon:GetFactory() local widget=factory:Checkbox(frame,true,"Checkbox","Checkbox tooltip") widget:SetOnChange(function(checked) end) --You can set a custom object so you can pass a method to SetOnChange: widget:SetObj(mytable) widget:SetOnChange("method")
- Author: Alar of Runetotem
factory:Button (father, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]]) | Creates a buttom. |
factory:Checkbox (father, current, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]]) | Creates a checkbox. |
factory:DropDown (father, current, list, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]]) | Creates a dropdown menu. |
factory:Label (father, text[, color]) | Creates a laben |
factory:Option (addon, father, flag[, maxwidth]) | Quickly defines a widget for a defined configuration variable All data for the widget are inferred for the variable |
factory:Panel (father[, movable[, columns[, width]]]) | Quickly creates an option panel Add widgets whith addChild method |
factory:Slider (father, min, max, current, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]]) | Creates a slider. |
- factory:Button (father, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]])
Creates a buttom.
- father frame Parent frame to use
- message string or table String with description or table with .desc and .tooltip fields
- tooltip string Tooltip message (ignored if message is a table. Can be a table for a multiline tooltip (optional)
- maxwidth number maximum widget width (optional)
button widget object
- factory:Checkbox (father, current, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]])
Creates a checkbox.
- father frame Parent frame to use
- current bool Actual value
- message string or table String with description or table with .desc and .tooltip fields
- tooltip string Tooltip message (ignored if message is a table).Can be a table for a multiline tooltip (optional)
- maxwidth number maximum widget width (optional)
checkbox widget object
- factory:DropDown (father, current, list, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]])
Creates a dropdown menu.
Create a totally new frame in order to avoid taint
- father frame Parent frame to use
- current mixed Initial value
- list tab Option list
- message string or table String with description or table with .desc and .tooltip fields
- tooltip string Tooltip message (ignored if message is a table). Can be a table for a multiline tooltip (optional)
- maxwidth number maximum widget width (optional)
dropdown widget object
- factory:Label (father, text[, color])
Creates a laben
- father frame Parent frame to use
- text string String with description
- color string name (passed to colorize) defaults to yellow (optional)
label widget object
- factory:Option (addon, father, flag[, maxwidth])
Quickly defines a widget for a defined configuration variable
All data for the widget are inferred for the variable
- factory:Panel (father[, movable[, columns[, width]]])
Quickly creates an option panel
Add widgets whith addChild method
- father frame Parent frame to use
- movable boolean!table true for movabke or a table witl listf attributes default false (optional)
- columns number defailt 1 (optional)
- width number defauld 1 (panel will be resized to biggest child) (optional)
local factory=self:GetFactory() local t=factory:Panel(parentFrame,false) t:ClearAllPoints() local x,y=0,-23 t:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",x,y) t:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",x,y) t:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") t:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") t:AddChild('c',factory:DropDown(t,'DEMONHUNTER',classes,CLASS,CHOOSE .. ' ' .. CLASS)) t:AddChild('l',factory:Slider(t,1,maxLevel,maxLevel,LEVEL,CHOOSE .. ' ' .. LEVEL)) t:AddChild('f',factory:DropDown(t,thisFaction,factions,CHOOSE .. ' ' .. FACTION)) t:AddChild('p1',factory:DropDown(t,UNKNOWN,professions,PROFESSIONS_FIRST_PROFESSION,CHOOSE .. ' ' .. PROFESSIONS_FIRST_PROFESSION)) t:AddChild('p2',factory:DropDown(t,UNKNOWN,professions,PROFESSIONS_SECOND_PROFESSION,CHOOSE .. ' ' .. PROFESSIONS_SECOND_PROFESSION)) t:AddChild('a',factory:Checkbox(t,false,ITEM_ACCOUNTBOUND,L["This toon can receive Account Bound items"])) t:AddChild('b',factory:Button(t,SAVE)) -- Add an onchange function to the button t:SetOnChange('b',function(self,value) -- father is tyhe panel widget local answer=self.father:GetValue() -- answer is an object wich contains the currenv value of eery wuidget indexed bty its handle (first parameter to addchild) t:Hide() end)
- factory:Slider (father, min, max, current, message[, tooltip[, maxwidth]])
Creates a slider.
- father frame Parent frame to use
- min number Minimum value
- max number Maximum value
- current number Actual value
- message string or table String with description or table with .desc and .tooltip fields
- tooltip string Tooltip message (ignored if message is a table). Can be a table for a multiline tooltip (optional)
- maxwidth number maximum widget width (optional)
slider widget object